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Please note that this page contains information from this event from the previous year. More details will be added for the current year as information becomes available.

Whistler Cup Ski Racer

Now in its 25th year the Whistler Cup is one of the largest and most important ski races in the world for athletes aged 12-15 years. Past events have seen over 20 countries represented by 400 racers, 150 coaches and 300 volunteers. Disciplines include Giant Slalom, Slalom, and Super G. Races take place on Whistler Mountain, on Ptarmigan, Raven and Upper Dave Murray Downhill runs.

In addition to racing a few highlights of the weekend, include a welcome dinner, a parade through Whistler Village and an awards banquet.

Ski Racer Slalom Race

Come out and cheer on the professional ski racers of the next generation.

Photos: Justa Jeskova - Skiers