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Event Date: Saturday, June 15, 2024
Event Time: 
Event Location: Whistler, BC

It's time to prepare for XFONDO Whistler, the all-roads adventure race taking place on June 15, 2024.

Get ready to conquer a challenging and scenic course designed by the masterminds behind the legendary RBC GranFondo Whistler.

This ain't your average road race. XFONDO throws everything but the kitchen sink at you – winding gravel switchbacks, exhilarating descents, and epic mountain panoramas. Prepare to get dirty, push your limits, and experience the pure joy of conquering a diverse terrain.

Not just a race, but an unforgettable experience:

  • Challenge yourself: Tackle the demanding course that blends pavement, gravel, and singletrack – perfect for testing your skills and endurance.
  • Immerse yourself in nature: Ride through breathtaking Whistler landscapes, with stunning mountain views to keep you company every pedal stroke.
  • Embrace the camaraderie: Join a community of passionate cyclists who share your love for adventure and pushing boundaries.
  • Celebrate your victory: Cross the finish line with a sense of accomplishment and a big smile plastered on your face.

Ready to unleash your inner adventurer? Head over to the XFONDO Whistler website to learn more about the event, register, and start training for your epic gravel journey!